The Continuum of Interdependence: How to Push Teachers to be Strategically Innovative.

The Continuum of Interdependence

It is all too common, for site administrators and instructional coaches to see a teacher use a new behavior correctly during a coaching session or site observation, and erroneously conclude that the teacher has mastered it. When in actuality, it has become merely a stimulus-response behavior. Someone walks in the room…the lesson objective is stated. This often does not occur because it is a common or mastered practice but instead because of the trained stimulus. You could call it the, “Stop! Drop! and State Your Objective!”

In this excerpt of Chapter 11: Building Teacher Independence you will learn the systematic process that we use accelerate teachers’ learning of new skills so that they can not only implement when no one is looking but they can become strategically innovative.

The First Failure of Change

No Clear Definitions

Excerpt from "Performance-Based Coaching"

Sadly, most attempts at coaching fail before they even truly begin. They fail at the point when a coach begins to speak and the teacher attempts to listen. This can actually be the most frustrating aspect of coaching to both parties and detrimental to the process, even though both parties have the best intentions.   To better understand why this first attempt at communication regarding a change can quickly sour, we must only consider how difficult it might be to answer this simple question. 

What portion of your diet is made up of healthy foods?

That really depends on how we define "healthy". There are so many popular diets today that all use the term "healthy". It is entirely possible for a two people to agree that they both eat healthy food while wildly disagreeing that the other person's diet is healthy at all. 

If we have piqued your interest, click below to read the full excerpt on how to best define instructional practices to accelerate change and improve coaching outcomes. 

Available Now!

After nearly two decades of working with site-and-district-level coaches across the United States, this long awaited publication outlines how to develop and implement a high-impact, Performance-Based Coaching program. 

Pre-Orders begin on June 23rd with a 20% discount. Contact us today to reserve copies for your district coaches and instructional leaders. 

Performance-Based Coaching Book
Sale Price: $27.99 Original Price: $34.99

Making Every Dollar Count: Moving the Training Room Into the Classroom

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The cost of teacher training and materials purchases have skyrocketed over the past 10 years. 

Conversely, since the implementation of new state and national standards, student academic achievement across the country has shown a downward trend. Bot not in every classroom...

Our partner districts are now beginning to ask one of many compelling questions: 

"How can we control the extreme variance in student achievement based on the teachers a student is assigned?"

For the full article that addresses this issue for the first time, click the link below.