What is Performance-Based Coaching™?
We reject the traditional theory and pattern of teacher development in favor of eight real-time coaching methods that look more like those used in professions like law and medicine.
Our Focus
Performance-based coaching™ focuses on changing instructional behaviors and improving observable skills by sharing the responsibility of improvement between the teacher and coach in a way that makes new learning more applicable and immediately usable.
Since we focus specifically on the learning of new knowledge, methods and skills, our expert coaches can support instruction using the curriculum already in place and materials that have already been purchased. It isn't about what we have, it is about how well we use it.
Our structured and systematic set of real-time coaching methods target specific teacher behaviors and support improvement at an accelerated pace. Our proprietary coach system features the use of eight specific coaching methods that together guide teachers to higher levels of performance. Different from other coaching approaches, we focus solely on helping teachers to learn, master and sustain the teaching behaviors critical for effective teaching. And because we focus on behavior, our approach yields faster and more-cost effective changes for teachers across your school or district.
For specific descriptions of the major coaching methods, click below.
“Performance-Based Coaching™ is the only successful way to support teachers while learning new teaching methods. This impacts student learning immediately because teachers are not afraid to implement new skills”
Coaching Focus Areas
As we focus specifically on observable teacher behaviors and not a particular curriculum or resource, Performance-Based Coaching™ has been proven effective for teachers of all grade level and content areas.